Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Curse of the Digital Camera

My mom does not have hundreds of pictures of me from birth to 4 months. I don't even think she has a 1000 pictures of me from throughout my whole childhood.

Thanks to the digital camera (note sarcasm), I already have hundreds of pictures of my daughter. I have the hundreds of pics that I take, and then I get emailed all of the pics that friends and family take. It takes me quite awhile to upload, edit, and organize all of these photos. I spend about 30 dollars a month getting these pictures developed and another 15 dollars every other month buying a new photo album. I am running out of money to keep ordering pics at this pace. I am running out of storage space for all of my photo albums. I am running out of time to get all of the photos put in an album before the next batch from Snapfish comes in the mail.

I cannot keep up with all of this picture taking! Not only is it expensive and time consuming to keep up with all of the uploading, editing, organizing, and album-making, but the act of taking pictures itself is time consuming. Thanks to the digital camera, if I don't like a pic, I retake it. And I retake it. And I retake it. I think today's babies are going to have serious vision problems from the paparazzi like flashes they endure on a daily basis.

Sometimes I wish digital cameras were never invented. Not only was film more flattering, it was less time consuming and cheaper in the long run. I never would go through 100 pics from film over a two day period unless I was on vacation. I certainly wouldn't be taking that many photos in the setting of my living room on a Wednesday afternoon. With film, you took the pic and you were done with it. You couldn't scrutinize every detail of every photo and keep retaking it until it reached near perfection. You dropped the film off, and you got what you got. You took your 24 photos and put them in an album. Then you would pick up your next roll of 24 exposure film, and save it for a special occasion worthy of picture taking. End of story.

I know it's been said before, but technology--originally created to make our lives easier/faster--has done nothing but take up even more of our time. From digital cameras, to cell phones, to the biggest time waster of all--the Internet.

I doubt I can make it even a week without taking a picture. And despite all of the time and money it costs me, I'll probably still take hundreds of random, day-day pics of Aubrey. I'm hoping the picture taking will calm down as she gets older, because at this rate, I'm going to need to rent a storage space to hold all these photo albums. Or, I could always go back to film...(look how cheap it's gotten!)

Kodak Gold 200 Film (4-Pack)

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Thankful Thursday

5 little things I'm thankful for today...

1. 5 Guys hot dogs
2. flip flop weather (they look a bit better than sneakers...)
3. I finally can wear my engagement/wedding rings again.
4. Escaping from reality every Monday night when DWTS comes on.
5. Being able to crop myself out of photos where Aubrey looks cute and I look scary.

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